It has been surveyed that payday loans taking people are increasing simultaneously and as well as the companies are too. If you decided to take payday loans for the first time then this is a good article for you because this article gathers lots of information about payday loans . What is a payday loan:- Payday loans are for short time loan and basically it is a loan for one to two weeks. It is also called Paycheck loan, Payroll advance loans, cash advance etc. You have to repay the loan after getting your check. If you are unable to pay the amount of the loan and the lender’s fees on the estimated payday then you have to pay for extra fees and also the interest. Payday loans are extensive interest loans. Why do you need payday loans:- Payday loans are so effective for little earning family and people. Suppose you have to go for a short tour or you have to buy some important things but you don’t have money after paying your house r...